Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas from Richard and Julie

Clay and I got to spend the weekend with Richard at the National Championship Game and Richard got to spend some time with Will on Friday before we left.  We haven't seen Julie in a while because her job keeps her busy on the weekends.  Before Julie started at her job, we spent so many weekends together and we miss that! 

Since Richard was in town to catch the plane with us, he brought Will a Christmas gift. 

Let's just say that Will was SUPER EXCITED!!!

Will got some Auburn plates, Thomas t-shirt, Thomas PJs, and a police officer set.  Will loved everything he got.

These glasses were in the police set and they cracked me up!!!

Julie also sent me an Auburn ornament and bracelet. I wore the bracelet to the game Monday. 

Julie-Thanks for the gifts and we miss you!!!

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