Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fun Summer Night

Our little family had the best night tonight!

After dinner, Will wanted to go and play in his kiddie pool. He was having such a good time "swimming" and Clay and I got to sit out there with him and talk.   Then Will decided that it would be funny to get us wet.  He is such a silly little boy.  We stayed out there until we were all drenched from head to toe, but we had the best time. 

Once we got all dry and put on clean clothes, we went and got ice cream!  Will was so excited.  We drove through Sonic and then headed over to Pop and Mawmaw's.  It was great having a little ice cream date with them.

Will was a tired little boy when we got home and went to bed almost immediately.

It is such a sweet memory and a fun summer night!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, Thanks for the comment on my blogiversary!

    Your little Will is darling! I know what you mean when you say, "What did we do before he came?"

    You are a blessed young lady!

    Thank you again!
