Sunday, March 4, 2012


Our baby boy is THREE today! 

Sometimes I have to think really hard to remember how tiny he was.

He is such a big boy and does some many big boy things.  He is growing and learning, and it makes me so proud.  Clay and I are so thankful that God allowed us to be Will's parents. He is our most precious gift and we love him so much.

My favorite thing about him is his little personality. He is hilarious, stubborn, smart, and loud. He is all boy and I wouldn't change a thing about him!

Here is what he is up to:

-He talks consantly about everything.  There are very few quiet moments in our house.

-He is still a picky eater.  He will eat chicken nuggets, PB&J, grilled cheese, fruits and snack foods.  He hates eating meals and would only eat snack if we would let him.  In fact, during a meltdown at the grocery store one day he was crying and told me "I don't like lunch, I love snacks, only snacks."  He would also just drink milk and skip all meals if that was an option.

-He loves to play sports, espcially basketball

-He also loves to play with cars and build things with blocks

-He can write his name, but sometimes he rights is backwards (not sure why)

-He can pick out most letters and some numbers by sight. He told me his favorite letters were "S" and "W"

-He loves chocolate and candy.  It is the source of many meltdowns at our house.

-He is does a good job of using the potty. Still some accidents here and there.

-He sleeps about 10 hours a night and takes a 2 hour nap at school. 

We will go to his 3-year-old well check on the 8th, so I will post his height and weight then.

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