Saturday, March 5, 2011


Today was finally the day for Will's big Mickey Mouse birthday party!

A lot of work went into this party and it ended up being a great day.  This morning was a little bumpy. I was stressed and Will was upset.  I am not really sure what was wrong with him but he was super clingy and he didn't want leave the house.  Of course, once he got to the gym and saw his party all set up, my stress went away and he was a happy boy!  He was in awe of all the Mickey Mouse stuff and headed straight for the bounce house.

Mickey was the central theme and I used phrases from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse throughout the party.

So many of our family and friends came out to celebrate. We are so blessed to have people in our lives who love Will so much! It brings me to tears thinking about how much he means to so many people. He really has brought our family closer together and made our friends like family.  He is definitely a bright spot in all of our lives.

We had the party around lunch time so we served lunch and had birthday cupcakes.  My mom did all the food and made the cupcakes. This party would not have happened without her!  Also, Julie and Kristen helped me so much. They did everything I asked of them and I am so glad to call them my friends!

This year we continued the tradition of collecting gifts for a charity instead of having everyone bring a gift for Will. Once again, our family and friends went above and beyond, but I am going to save the details for another post!

The party can best be explained through pictures so here we go...

"Mickey's Art Show" - Coloring Table for the kids...some adults colored too!

"See Ya Real Soon!" - Favor Table - Gift bags for the kids and candy favors for the adults.

"Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggity Dog" - Food Table - We served hot dogs, Mickey chicken nuggets, chips, animal crackers, and grapes for lunch.

"Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse" - Sign-in Table

Guest tables

Cupcake table

Yummy Cupcakes!


The Birthday Boy!

Sweet Friends.

"Mickey's Mousekersize" - Sign pointing to the Bounce House!

Will having fun with friends!


Gift Table and the "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" Theater

All our guests

Gavin in the bounce house.

Will and "Bess"

Singing "Happy Birthday" and blowing out his candle.

Watching Mickey.

Photo I used for the sign in table.

Cute boys!

All the kiddos


Berkley at the coloring table.

Will with Uncle Al and Mawmaw.

Our little family at the end of the party!

We were all completely exhauseted at the end of the party, but it was a fantastic day. It was so much fun hanging out with everyone and celebrating our boy!

Go HERE to see the rest of the pictures from the party. 

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